The universe of Filippo Tincolini, contemporary Italian Sculptor

The sculptures of Filippo Tincolini: what is not but could be

Filippo Tincolini, a contemporary sculptor passionate about technology and a lover of freedom, merges art and lifestyle in a continuous search for innovation and expression. Analyzing his works and engaging in dialogue with him, it becomes clear that we are facing an artist who possesses a deep historical and artistic knowledge. Over the years, Tincolini has also acquired familiarity with various techniques and technologies applicable to sculptural production and continues to experiment, but above all, he is an artist who uses sculpture as a tool to investigate the existing, a true form of thought.

Marble is his traveling companion, a lifestyle, a faithful friend, pure energy in his hands that returns us works capable of creating a deep emotional bond, ideal for art enthusiasts and collectors.


The artistic universe of Filippo Tincolini

Filippo Tincolini, a contemporary artist, is characterized from the outset by the aesthetic care of his works, in respect of the canons of classical sculpture and the millennia-old traditions of the workshops of Carrara, combined with the use of the most innovative technological solutions that create a continuous bridge between past and present. This is how the artist constructs his personal universe that explores different worlds, from the mythological to the one linked to comics and fantasy narration, from literature to philosophy, from anthropology to nature, giving life to a highly suggestive personal language.

On this combination, a symbolic universe is born that intersects culture and pop culture, knowledge of classical art and the underground, art house cinema and blockbusters, poetry and comic strips, visually affirming the need for a fluid visual culture, in tune with our time: it does not offer us absolute truths, but assumes the responsibility of answering the questions that we have always asked ourselves in our "being in the world".

He does it with irony and lightness to recover a ritual dimension, open to the other, break the self-referentiality of art, and guide the viewer in the reading of the work.


Who is Filippo Tincolini

Graduated in Sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara in 2001, he is characterized from the outset by the dialogue between craftsman and artist that coexist fully in him in a continuous confrontation between cognitive entity and technical realization.

His works have been exhibited in numerous national and international exhibitions. He is the author of several publications and articles in specialized magazines, where he shares his artistic vision and reflections on sculpture and contemporary art.

In addition to his artistic activity, he has held conferences, participated in workshops, and contributed to cultural projects, always with the aim of promoting knowledge and, as the founder of the contemporary art laboratory TorArt, Tincolini is committed to research and experimentation, collaborating with international artists to explore the possibilities offered by the fusion of technology and artistic tradition.